The School of Happiness is the first 5D school in the world, embracing a higher level of consciousness and leading a revolutionary movement in Education.
We give voices and support to Youth, Parents & Teachers to transform why, how and what we teach. We are here to exchange ideas and offer practical ways to empower the new generations so they can offer their gifts and create a New Earth with new paradigms of learning and living together.
The community offers conversation hubs, multimedia resources, education and healing and much more!
If you are a parent or a teacher looking to embrace a new vision for the world. This is where it starts. Join the conversation on how we can transform Education and let's apply this to empower the young generations.
This is for open-minded human beings who are aware of the consciousness shift happening on Earth.
Thank you for joining this Education Revolution! Together, let's reinvent ourselves, how we approach education, planting seeds for a New Earth with communities that support parents, youth and teachers, creating more caring and empowering ways of learning and living together.